Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post surgery

We are so happy to let everyone know that Audrey's first surgery was a success. Although she has a long road to recovery ahead of her, she is currently looking very good (but pitiful) and seems to be heading in the right direction. 

She is healing in the PICU right now and finally got to 'meet' her great grandma today, which made my heart so happy. She is sudated because she has a ventilator in, but once they know she can breathe on her own, they will take it out and the move back to the NICU will hopefully follow soon after. Hopefully this will be in the next two days or so because we can't wait to be able to hold our little angel again. (She has many other lines and drains post-surgery that will need to come out too, and those will be shed over the next few days as well.)

Today was extremely tough even though we knew this surgery was coming for the last four months. However, we are now one big step closer to bringing her home where she belongs, which we are so thankful for!

Thank you, thank you for everyone's prayers and kind words today. We know God was watching over our little girl and her caregivers today, and he gave us the strength to endure getting past this first hurdle. Now, we just want her recovery to go as expected. 

The following are a couple of pictures from this morning just before she was taken back to the operating room. She was such a good girl even though she hadn't eaten since 12am the night before.

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