Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Surgery Is Set

After an uneventful weekend, things picked up quickly this morning.  We got calls from the neonatologist, cardiologist, and visited with Audrey's surgeon today. We learned that sweet Audrey has been scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 8am. Her surgery should last around 4 hours. It will be her first of two surgeries while she is a baby. She is going to have a BT shunt put in and she will also have 2 other conditions fixed. She will still have other problems after this surgery, and her "total repair" will ideally be done after the winter (4-6 months from now). She will unfortunately will be hooked up to a bypass machine for her heart surgery tomorrow, which is not what we expected, but is necessary due to a new finding.

The RNs here in the NICU took us up to the cardio vascular surgical floor in the hospital and also showed us the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) here at Methodist. Audrey will go through her immediate recovery in the PICU for at least a couple of days while still intubated, and then she will be moved to the NICU before she is eventually released. Her surgeon told us to expect her to stay in the hospital for another two weeks assuming everything goes as planned.

It's an uneasy feeling the night before a surgery like this, but we continue to have faith in the Lord and pray for our little girl. She is getting amazing care at Methodist hospital, and there isn't much more we could ask for in this situation. Prayers for a successful surgery with no complications and a quick recovery are much needed. This includes prayers for the surgeon, the surgical team, the nurses, and of course little Audrey herself. Thank you for the continued love and support that we've been receiving over the past week- we couldn't be doing this alone!

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